Meet On Q: 10 questions with Ashley O’Hara

Explain what you do at On Q Communications?

I’m one of two new public relations interns at On Q. As of right now, my responsibilities vary from area to area. So far, I have been involved in the writing of pitches, media monitoring and assisting with blog posts.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Atmokinesis – being able to control the weather. I love living in Canada because of the changing of the seasons, but sometimes the winter feels like it drags on. I could fill a lazy day in bed with clouds and rain, and a day out with friends would always be sunny – everyday would be the perfect day!

What’s your favourite spot in Toronto?

My favourite spot in Toronto is the Harbourfront or anywhere near the water. It’s a peaceful escape from the big city.

Finish this sentence: I can’t start my day without?

Probably the same answer as most people, coffee, black please!

Describe yourself in three words?

Driven, optimistic and nosy (I have to be in the loop at all times).

What do you work towards in your free time?

An uninterrupted nap.

If there is any advice you would give a person, what would it be?

Coming from a shy girl moving into the PR field, never be afraid of taking chances and putting your voice out there. It could lead to an amazing opportunity. More personally, I am a firm believer that the only chance you will regret is the one you didn’t take.

You’re the new addition to a crayon box, what colour would you be?

Definitely mellow yellow, I like to come into any situation with a bright and positive attitude, and I’m fairly easy-going. I like to go with the flow.

What skill would you like to master?

Mastering the perfect first pancake! Or further developing my leadership skills to step out of my comfort zone and inspire others like some of my leaders have inspired me.

What makes you a unique, dynamic team member?

I pride myself in coming into any new opportunity with a fresh and open mindset, always open to new ideas and looking to put a creative spin on traditional methods.


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